Wednesday 28 March 2012

The Littlest Cowboy

Avery dreams of becoming a cowboy.

He wants a large farm, sprawling fields to ride his horses, a cowgirl by his side, and LOTS of dogs and kids (the poor cowgirl . . . tee hee!)

Yesterday was a big day for Avery because he took one giant leap towards making his dream come true and got himself a pair of cowboy boots!  Thank you Dumont family!

Check those babies out!  He is so proud of them.  He wants to sleep in them, play baseball in them, and even shower in them . . . he truly is a cowboy at heart.  

Elliot, however, is very concerned about his brother.

Avery, why are you wearing cowgirl boots?

Their cowBOY boots, Elliot!  Not cowGIRL boots!   

I don't know about that Avery, only ladies wear heels like that . . .

Note to self: Do not take Elliot to the Calgary Stampede . . . tee hee!

In spite of his brother's taunting, Avery is still wearing the boots and loves them to pieces.

Now to find a cowgirl . . . 


  1. How old is Avery again? because Madlyn loves cowgirls, dogs, and kids...hmm
    I'll just add Avery to my shortlist of boys that I have for Madlyn's arranged marriage :)

    1. I think that would work out nicely, Jacquie! :)
